A downloadable game

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Welcome to the cozy world of Potter Duck Pond!

This is cute & cozy lil desktop experience you can leave running to keep you company while you're on your adventures. You can pick up the various floofs & feed them to keep them happy. They'll occasionally meow or quack at you to make sure you know they love you!!!


Hold Shift + ControlEnables you to interact with the game.
Left Mouse ButtonEither spawns a floof or allows you to pick one up if you click it
Right Mouse ButtonSpawns Food
EscapeCloses the app

I made this for my best friend Potter while she was at work so that when she came home she could have some Duckys & Kittys to take care of her while she's gaming, composing & generally been amazing!

Any donations are greatly appreciated and will go towards buying treats for both mine & Potter's cats!

Please show some love to Caz Creates Games for their amazing DuckyKitty assets I've leveraged for this project!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Potters Duck Pond.zip 27 MB

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